Thursday, December 9, 2010

I havent disappeared completely...

I have lacked on keeping this blog updated.
Reason being simply because I have been very busy.
I'll be sure to update this on some recent works
as soon as the next few weeks are over.
I have been recording, mixing, mastering,
releasing, practicing, on top of making tons of art.
In the meantime here is the most recent piece I have finished.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Years pass by almost too quickly, in hindsight...

After reading journal entries from a year ago, and based off my current surroundings, musically, and mentally, I'd have to say one thing... It's almost too odd, how certain things line up. Scares me sometimes, how much I actually know, and how much I really allow myself to know. It's as if there are questions I have answered in the past, and yet I am beginning to ask those very questions now. If the veil we all have over our eyes is truly transparent [once we learn how to see through] then is the future still up to us? Do things line up for a reason? Or is all pure chaos, and we just seem to notice random patterns? I notice trails I have taken, and could have taken, but I inevitably have ended up here. Right here. Right now.

Monday, April 5, 2010

Music Update:

I felt like now would be a good time to let all those who are interested in on a little secret... I've been working with a few people on an album for the last few months [since august.] This is an album in which has been based off the idea of finding yourself and following your passion and your dreams. In this project I am the vocalist, accompanied by Tyler Shields and Tom Rosulo as my companions in this musical journey.

With the completion of the album, we hope to find the band name through the ways in which this intricate concept has unfolded.
To give you a little taste of how much has gone into the mere concept:
8 sketchbooks later, I am still unfolding the concepts through thought processes, sketches and poems. This concept has been spoken about between Tyler and I for the past 2 years.

Many boundaries have been broken within this project, and we hope to project a new genre of music out to the world around us. One more song until we complete the album. Some music magic will be introduced into the mix over the next few months, but the album in its entirety will remain a secret until its release.

We now only have notes of this, notes which include numerous recordings, but no note will compare to the finished product.

Hang in there, the process is nearing completion.

Friday, March 19, 2010

Into this world we're thrown.

I've been locked in my room again for the past few days - Making art, working, having fun, whatever you want to call it.
I've been listening to bands of my past recently - Silverchair, Nine Inch Nails, some AFI, Tool, and a few others.
From my heart to yours:

"The Meeting Place"
Medium: Illustrator and Photoshop
It is a visualization of the end of the old world.

Medium: Gouache on Illustration Board
The movement from the old world to the new, only few are spared.


Right now, I'm listening to The Doors.
Love, Johnny

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Some self-expressionism

Above, you see an image I took of my room, with various works of mine. Most of them you should be familiar with, [if you aren't, feel free to view the rest of my blog].
The image on the easel is a self-portrait I painted while listening to the album "Colors" by Between the Buried and Me. I gave myself a time limit, [the album length] and wanted to see what would come out of this experience.
Colors is an hour long album.

This was my first self-portrait I've painted since high school.
I don't really know what prompted me to do this, but I'm glad I did.
It helped me realize how much I have grown in the past few years.
I would first like to thank those of you who have helped me get to this point in my life.
I will never know how deep my love for art runs, but i plan to further investigate as I progress through life in this body.
I make art [music included] because of my limitless love for art.
I will continue to make art and music for the rest of my life.
I always hold a place in my heart for any and all words you may through my way.
Please understand, I mean absolutely no harm with any of my art or words.
I thank all of you who view my art, who support what I do, and who give it [and me] a chance.
I don't think I have to explain myself anymore.
You figure it out.

Until next time,

vessel shift, from ship to shining ship.

I've got a lot more work to do...

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Also from last semester...

For further explanation, consult your mind.
For further insanity, consult a doctor, or your nearest shaman.