Thursday, February 18, 2010

Also from last semester...

For further explanation, consult your mind.
For further insanity, consult a doctor, or your nearest shaman.

I don't feel like counting anymore


Lately, most of my "precious" time has been dedicated to art, and will be until I have completed my short term goal: Graduating...

[so, for those of you who I have failed to contact, I apologize for my absence, but this will be going on for a while.]

Moreover, I have been focussing a lot on my Computer Imaging class. I have recently completed two assignments:

The first assignment shown is a vector image of a phone. I used Adobe Illustrator for the entire image, and used the gradient mesh tool for the 3d effect.

The second Image is the Jack of Clubs. The image basically shows the endless amounts of creativity and imagination the Jack of Clubs is granted with. It is said that the Jack of Clubs has the ability to "see the unseen" hence the three eyed mask... I mean Club sign. The entire image is connected, every color has purpose, the symbolism within the color scheme is also something to take into consideration. The backside of the card is a depiction of the ominous eye, in which most of humanity will be granted with knowledge of as soon as I deem them ready.

ATTENTION: As we move forward on this planet, understand that the art I create is not only for my personal love of being alive, but also for the enjoyment of the viewer. With EACH of my pieces I politely ask the viewer to look closer into the image at hand and understand the full meaning. Each piece has an underlying beauty, and representation of love, no matter how grotesque it may seem at first or second or even 37th glance.

Please, find the point.
[relevance or effectiveness to your personal thought.]
And share your understanding.

My history of shocking images has been a method of opening the viewers eyes, and arising thought. Please take that into consideration when viewing, and find the beauty. Or don't... It's up to you.

The future of my art will grow to become something much more beautiful than any, if not all of the work I have done in the past. A more uplifting goal is at hand with my new knowledge and my new way of thinking. I have been entrusted with the task of keeping your interest.

Always love.


Sunday, February 7, 2010

003. The Spiral.


Move. [W&B]
Move. [W&B]

Breathe. Focus. Evolve. Love. Move.

These images are all a part of a series I worked on during the fall... entitled "The Spiral."

Illustration class, Fall of 2009.

When looking at these remember to view from all perspectives, and don't trust your eye's first glance. Think.

There is also one more, I will post it later.

Enjoy, and thank you for eye's attention.
